Serving All Industry Sectors
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,
and Eastern Pennsylvania


(212) 686-5790

About Our Company

Excelsior Business Group LLC is a full service business brokerage firm serving mid-market enterprises. We assist individuals and private companies with the valuation, marketing and selling of their businesses, while assisting individual buyers, as well as corporate and private equity group buyers, in their search for the right business to invest in. In addition to the services we provide we have associations with a select team of professionals that we can recommend for legal, accounting, financial and various other needs related to the sale and transfer of a business.

Tony Torella Business Broker
Tony Torella

Selling a Business

As experienced professional business brokers, when we represent a client our goal is to properly position their business to sell, assist them to know the current market value of their business and help them sell it to a qualified buyer, all while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality.

Excelsior Business Group offers a confidential and professional approach to selling your business. With our customized services, tailored to enhance the fair market value of your business, we provide the best option for business owners who need a professional broker to assist with the sale of their most valuable asset, their family owned business. Most importantly, we have an excellent infrastructure in place enabling us to support our clients through the entire process…from inception to closing.

Valuing your business is the first step, because proper pricing is one of the most important factors in determining whether a business will sell or not. A professional business valuation enables the setting of a realistic and justifiable asking price. It also provides lenders with the Fair Market Valuation needed when making a business loan determination.

Our process involves:
  • Staying actively involved with our client from the time we put their business on the market until the closing
  • Handling all the details involved in the marketing and sale of their business
  • Pre-qualifying all potential buyers for financial capability and experience before presenting them to our client
  • Most importantly, keeping our client informed and involved in the process, while enabling them to continue focusing on running their business
We work with our clients to:
  • Gather the information required by independent third party valuators for preparation of a fair market business valuation and sale justification report
  • Develop a Confidential Information Memorandum for potential buyers
  • Design a marketing plan for the sale of the business.
  • Locate qualified business buyers
  • Secure a Letter of Intent
  • Negotiate terms with serious buyers
  • Assist with obtaining financing when necessary
  • Successfully complete the Transfer of Business Ownership

Buying a Business

Buying a business without the help of a business broker can be exhausting, as you waste time pursuing businesses that are just not saleable. Excelsior Business Group can help cut through this waste of time and energy with our Business Acquisition Search process. This search is professionally conducted with the primary goal of finding the “right business” for our buyer clients.

We fully understand the key issues that our Buyer clients are typically concerned with, such as:
  • Price
  • Terms of Sale
  • Growth Potential
  • Customer Base
  • Competition
  • Historical Information
  • Status of the Employees
  • Reputation of the Business
  • Condition of the Books
  • Return on Investment
  • Risk Level of Investment